Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Quick and Easy: Give Thanks

10 Ways to Give Thanks
1. Make a Pumpkin Pie for your husband, with a sweet note in the middle. You can put the note in as you put the pie in the oven. He will be impressed no matter how it comes out!
2. Make a card for your husband to give him thanks for all he does in the house, and then display it in the kitchen or living room.
3. Prepare an extra special dinner made before Thanksgiving with a small turkey and some of the fixings. He will be surprised when he comes home to a special meal.
4. Make a meal or part of a meal for someone in your area and then deliver the meal by "ding dong ditching"! {That means by ringing the doorbell and running.}
5. Spend time with a family member or friend that you haven’t in a while as a couple. Bring them something homemade for an extra warm welcoming!
6. While eating dinner, take turns listing things you are thankful for.
7. For each letter in Thanksgiving, come up with something your spouse does that you appreciate.
8. Figure out a place where you can give service to others. Then go there for your date night.
9. Set a goal to do random acts of kindness around town. Whoever reaches 5 first will get a massage from their spouse.
10. Make a coupon book for your husband including what you are thankful for. Then tell him his reward for each great thing he does.

Thanksgiving is a great time of year. We spend time with our family and tend to think about giving back to others. We challenge you to try to include one of the acts of service included above this season.


  1. These are great ideas! I am totally gonna do a Posterboard for #7 and have it out for him when he comes home tonight. Thx!

  2. These are fantastic ideas, girls! I'm loving #8!

  3. These are great ideas!!! Can't wait to try em out...


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