Monday, November 8, 2010

It's a Harry Potter Marathon

With the last of the Harry Potter movies coming out, I had to plan something for the occasion! My mom got me reading the books when I was growing up. I did not finish reading the last 3 books until I was SUPER sick during pregnancy with our first child. My husband was so supportive and would go to bed with his tired wifey at 7 o'clock. We would spend the next few HOURS reading many books, including lots on marriage! Needless to say we both LOVE Harry Potter and can't wait to re~read the BOOKS with our children when they are older!

I decided for this date I was going to leave my husband in suspense! In the morning I presented him with this letter. (There was not actually anything inside the envelope, so the only clue is what you see on this picture.)

Click here to Print your own letter (and lots more) and here to learn how to fold paper into an envelope!

My plan? To have a movie-a-thon of all the released movies so they would be fresh on our minds before we watched the NEW movie! In preparation, I went to town on making all of the decor for our date...."Harry Potter" style! I am SO excited to share it all with you! Knowing my family would also appreciate all the thought put into this date, I had it at my parent's home. I put this sign up by their front door.

Those of you who have read the books know perfectly well which of these objects are the Horcruxes. And those of you who haven't, are probably thinking, "What in the world is a Horcrux?" Anyway, I don't want to give anything away but, a Horcrux is an object someone used dark magic on to help them to become immortal.

I decorated their kitchen table like this:

Tom Riddle's Diary AND The Half Blood Prince's copy of Advance Potions Making.
Get your FREE book covers here and a tutorial on how to cover your book here!

The Whomping Willow.... let's just say it's a very violent species of a magical tree. My brother- in-law is into wire sculpting and he just happened to have this on hand. You can use any tree decoration you have around the house or even one of the kid's toys!

St. Mungo's Hospital is a hospital for magical injuries. Just pull out any First Aid things you have around the house.

This is the ring Dumbledore wears during the sixth book and movie.

The Snitch is a small golden ball used in a game called Quidditch.... as far as, "I open at the Close." Well, you will just have to read the books OR watch the upcoming movies to discover it's meaning.

Of course we had popcorn for our movie night!

Nagini is Voldemort's pet snake. OOPS! I mean, "He who must not be named!"

Dobby is a house elf that becomes a loyal friend to Harry.

Florish and Blotts Bookstore. Where Harry and his school mates get all their books for the year.

And of course Madam Paddifoot's Teashop! It's a HOT SPOT for all the young loves on Diagon Alley. And since my husband and I are the "young in love"- I had to include it on our date!

We had the yummy soup from this post! Thanks Kari, it turned out great!

Having all these decorations out for my family and my husband was really a fun conversation piece! It was so FUN to remember little parts of the books! With all the food, snacks and creative Harry Potter memorabilia, we were ready to start our Movie Marathon! I enjoy the movies but they really don't come close to the books. We are Awaiting the time where there will be enough hours in our day that we could have a Harry Potter BOOK marathon (with our kids) and re~read the series!

Here are both of the printables you will need for this date. Book Printable and the tabs for EVERYTHING else!

Step 1) Print
Step 2) Cut them out

Step 3) Remember all the paper bags from this post?! Well, here is another chance to use them up. Glue your printables to paper bags then cut a nice border around for a frame. This step is not a "must" but it adds so much more to your printables instead of just laying a bunch of a pieces of paper around. You could even use any scrapbooking paper you have around the house!

With there being seven books, I did not have time to put together all the ideas I had for this date. I'm sure if you have read the books and watched some of the movies you have some ideas of your own! I found most of my stuff around the house and at the dollar store. This date was so much fun putting together and it was even better being in the company of others who read (or watched the movies) as I did! Don't worry if you haven't watched ALL the movies yet! It doesn't come out until November 18th! Plenty of time to plan a marathon of your own.


  1. So much fun! I love everything about this date. My hubby and I always have a Harry Potter marathon when a new comes out, but this adds so much more to it! Thanks for sharing, I can't wait to try it!

  2. What a cute Idea! My husband and I just celbrated our 6th wedding anniversary on Oct 29. My parents were out of town and couldn't take the kids for us that weekend, but they offered to take them Nov 19th down to their home 2 hours away and I will join them the follwing week since my son doesn't have school. Dan and I have already bought our tickets for Nov 20th to see Harry Potter #7 Part 1. I had read the first 4 books back in 2001 and then the others as they came out. My husband had never read the books, but we started reading them together after we were married and have had fun doing that. Thanks for the great ideas!

  3. Great ideas! I can't wait for the movie to come out. I really am lost tho so i'm thinking a movie marathon is the perfect thing before we see the next two in theatre. I love all your decorations and the book covers you made are so darling and such an inexpensive way to create decorations. Thanks for all the ideas. :)

  4. That is just so well thought out and planned. I love it and bet that everyone had a wonderful time! Great job!

  5. Seriously freaking good job! I am a HP fan too, and you made this so fun! Niiice.

  6. This looks like such a fun date, Char! Nice work. Everything turned out super cute!

  7. This looks incredible, and since I have not seen or read ANY HP books or movies... I have no idea what any of it means... Looks like this date is for us!

  8. I love this idea Charlene! Too cute. Love the wire sculptures and the book covers. What font did you use for all of your labels? Totally dig it girl.


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