Wednesday, May 26, 2010

"Sassy" Suggestion: The Penny Jar

One of our readers, Mindi, sent in a super cute idea that we thought we should pass along!  I will let her take over:

"I had a friend tell me something fun they did and I adapted it a little to be fun for me and my husband. It's a penny jar.  Every time you "have-a-little-fun-in-the-bedroom", you put a penny in your jar.  We started it with the new year and our goal is to top the number next year." 

"There's all kinds of variations, though.  If you want to put a quarter or even a dollar in you could use that money towards renting a movie or a date.  Newlyweds could start it and have it going forever to see how many "it's" happened during your marriage.  But, you could of course start it any time." 

"It's also a good code name. i.e. "I want to put a penny in our jar.  Should we put the kids to bed?" And no one would know what you were talking about!  It was a pretty simple project to do and even my husband loves the idea!   The project of making the jar itself was, as I said, pretty simple.  Just print out the saying on paper, glue it on to some other paper, cut out some ribbon and glue it on, get a flower or something and glue it on, cut out some fabric also cutting a hole in the middle for the penny slot, and twist the lid on!"  - Mindi

What a great idea, huh!  Her "code" cracks me up!  Thanks again, Mindi for sharing your "Penny Idea"!  


  1. I heard about this idea when we got married. Someone told us to put a pebble in a jar everytime we had a little fun in the bedroom and then after one year take out a pebble. It will take your whole marriage to empty out the what you put in during that first year. Wish we would've done the jar. It would've been interesting to see. :)

  2. omgoodness I love this idea! But knowing my husband, he'll keep a TON of change on hand just so he could ask!

  3. Someone told us about this when we got married. We actually put a dollar in each time, and we were able to buy something cool for our first anniversary...we bought a nice tent (I know, pretty lame and not very romantic, but we really like camping!) :)

  4. I heard of a couple who married young without a ton of money. They could not afford a big fancy honeymoon. But they had LOVE! They did something like this, but with a dollar. The husband would come home and say "I've got a dollar in my pocket" and the wife would answer "and I know just how to spend it" They NEVER allowed themselves to use ANY of it even when things were REALLY tight!!! I can't remember which anniversary they celebrated, but with all the money they went an an extended, very elaborate "honeymoon" all those years later. SOOOO sweet!!!


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