Monday, May 24, 2010

Let's Get Physical!

There are so many benefits to grabbing your Lovey and working out together.
  • Quality time
  • relieves stress
  • an excuse to touch each other (not that you need one)
  • adds motivation
  • improves lovemaking
After getting married, it’s easy to get into a comfortable groove and let yourself go.  Exercising shows your partner that you care about improving or maintaining your physical appearance.

Working out together is a great way to help keep that initial appearance-fueled Spark alive!

Finding time to work out is hard for Jason and I.  IF I work out, I like to do it in the morning, before I get ready for the day, and him at night after work. The only day we can agree to work out together is on Saturday mornings, which isn’t always what you want to do on a Saturday morning. When we do exercise on Saturdays, we usually go down to the gym in our apartments and I hop on the treadmill while he chases the munchkin around and does weights in between, not very effective or very fun!  So I decided to take a different approach.


Saturday morning before Jason woke, I put this on the counter where he would see it first thing.


I let Jason sleep in, and when he woke up instead of getting out of bed, he opted for a little Saturday morning game playing on his iphone.  This was perfect!  I made yummy smoothies and presented them to him while he was still in bed 

*These smoothies were featured on the Biggest Loser. If  it’s on the Biggest Loser than it has to be good for you right? You can find these at Albertsons for $3 which makes 2 smoothies or Costco has a pack of 5 (10 smoothies) for $10.

*Or try this recipe for a fresh-fruit smoothie.

After enjoying our morning smoothies, we made our way out the door and instead of going down to the gym, we put our daughter in her stroller and headed over to the nearest park which is ½ a mile from our house and made for a great warm-up.

When we got to the park, it was pretty crowded with all the little leagues playing baseball, so Jason was a little leery of trying any exercises I had come up with. 

We did some 'Love Ladders' where you spread markers on the grass several yards apart, then you and your partner start at opposite ends of the markers and run from your first marker to the second marker, back to first marker, then to third marker, and back to first marker, etc, etc.... since we started at opposite ends we would pass each other and as we passed, we had to give the other a high five, or a bum smack. It was pretty funny!

We held each others feet for some 'Smoochy Sit-ups', and as we sat up we had to give each other a kiss.
I also had Jason try bench pressing me, I like to call them 'Love Lifts' which didn't work very well so he opted for 'Love Lifting' our 17lb daughter instead.

Doing pushups while your spouse adds weight by laying on your back is another way to build arm strength.

 The whole time we were doing these exercises our daughter was roaming around on the grass playing with some balls we brought or trying to get in on the exercises we were doing and laughing as we did things that looked silly to her.


Our park has a huge path that circles it so we ran around it 3x (Jason pushing the stroller). I think it was equaled to just under 2 miles.  On our second lap I could tell Jason was getting pretty tired......ok I was I asked if he wanted to stop or go one more lap. He waited a few seconds and responded with "ONE more lap!" OK!, I thought as we continued through our third lap. It was so nice to have Jason by my side motivating me to push myself.  If I was by myself I would have gladly stopped at 1 and 1/2 laps!

*note, before you go out to exercise remember to shave your legs, armpits, that your breath smells good and you are wearing deodorant.


If you really want to 'Heat' things up, show a little skin by shedding your shirts. My husband loves seeing a little skin so I knew this would be a great way to do it, I bought a super sexy sports bra HERE.

(P.S. For some reason the neon colors make your skin look REALLY tan!) 

Although once we saw how crowded it was at the park, we opted to keep our shirts on and keep this idea for later in our date. {wink}


After our run we did some stretches and stayed at the park for a little Saturday morning baseball.  We chose to watch the oldest looking kids (since that game was probably most exciting) and the team's side that we sat on actually won their game!  It was fun cheering them on and having no idea who any of them were but we were happy 'we' had won.


The cool down was the walk back to our house where I prepared a delicious Low Calorie meal,
  since we had just worked our butts off (literally)!

1 can tuna in water
2 sweet pickles, chopped
1/2 celery stalk, chopped
1 tablespoon garlic Caesar salad dressing
salt and black pepper to taste
Sandwich Thins

As we ate, we talked about this diet I have been wanting to do for awhile but I just hadn't had the motivation to do it.  Jason was super supportive and decided to pull out the diet right then and start writing up a grocery list for it.  We ended up going grocery shopping that evening and starting the diet the very next day.   Jason committed to doing the diet with me just to help support me through the 10 days without sweets!

We also committed to making it a point to work out together at least once a week, whether it be going on a walk, bike ride, hiking, playing tennis, soccer, something that we enjoy doing together that gets our hearts pumping!


  1. Oh, this is fun. My hubby and I are trying to lose weight and get into better shape. We go on hikes and long walks with the kids and do some exercise videos together, but that is about it. This would be way fun to incorporate as a date. I actually did get a babysitter once and said we were going to the gym. He wasn't too excited at first and then he was until one of our kids got really sick and we had to cancel. I am going to have to try it again and make it more fun this time. Thanks for the idea.

  2. Wow, your site is SO much fun! A reader just pointed me over here and I'm so glad she did. I subscribed instantly. She suggested your Lost date night as an addition to my Lost Roundup. I'll be linking to you if you don't mind. Your site is fantastic!

  3. Hey girls, it's Gwen! I would like to invite you to participate in my new series, Love Story. It'll be fun! Just send me a post about your Love Story, and if you'd like, a photo of you and your honey. I hope you'll play along!



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