Friday, May 7, 2010

'Love Notes' Pad

I sometimes have a hard time remembering to think about my husband and his needs because I am so caught up with taking care of my daughter and myself, that I often times forget to take care of my husband. :/  I am trying to change this and am now constantly thinking about ways I can show my love to my husband.

My husband's 'Love Language' is words of affirmation and I thought a good way to show him how much I love him, would be to leave him little random love notes more often.  To help me do this I decided to make a 'love notes' pad to stick in my purse.  Every time I see it I will be reminded to leave him a love note, whether it be on his car windshield, or on his pillow, or in his lunch box. etc... I want my hunzy to know how much I love and appreciate him ALL THE TIME.

I created these blank notes.
download the NOTE PAD PAPER I created
  cut them up,
glued them together just at the top 1/2inch,
stuck them to a cardboard box and trimmed off the extra cardboard,
folded the top of the cardboard over a 1/2 inch at the top
 covered the cardboard with craft paper and stickers,
and Wal-Ah, I have a 'love notes' pad
and then I stuck it in my purse.
 problem solved!
*make sure to remember a pen.

This Tutorial has been linked up to the following parties.
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  1. I I told you in my MULTIPLE texts...tee, hee. Such a great idea! I am SO making my own as well!

  2. Kristen, I love this idea!

  3. This is really cute, and such a great idea to remember that we all should tell our husbands more often how we feel. I'll be making one of these. Thanks :)

  4. this is such a cute idea!! love it

  5. I really liked this craft! How did you glue the pages together -meaning what type of glue did you use?? I would love to know the answer if yo u have time to respond! Thank you! (


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