Monday, May 10, 2010

Just for da' funnavit !

Here's a little background on this date: For April Fools Day this year, my husband thought it would be HILARIOUS to make me french toast with a generous layer of garlic salt on top. (Ugh!) I'm ashamed to say that I was less than laughing after I ran to the sink to spit it out and got a face full of water when I flipped on the faucet - he had rigged it to come out of the sprayer!


Somebody (ME) needed to lighten up. It was a joke and my hubby just wanted to play the day up. I know that in order to roll with the challenges life deals, we need to smile when things come up and learn the art of making each other laugh with everyday stuff... so here was my date to kinda focus on just THAT.

As you will see, this is overflowing with silliness!

The night before our date, I staged my first little "surprise" and switched the cereal inside the two boxes that I pretty much knew my hubby would choose from for breakfast in the morning.

Inside each box I also slipped a little note.
I just rolled the post it up like this and tied it with dental floss.
Sometimes simple is all ya need.

The note read

Sure enough, he started to pour himself a bowl of PB Crunch and ended up with Cocoa Pebbles and a note in his bowl. From downstairs I heard him say, "What the?"


Later that afternoon I offered him some water...
...or was it water?

Then I cut a looong black thread, stuck the majority of it in my pocket and let a little hang down from my black shirt (I thread it through a needle and out my shirt) hoping my Mr. would notice it and rip it off for me. Yeah, he totally did. After a good tug, he saw it coming from my pocket. It still got a good laugh! Probably mostly laughing at me because by now, it's totally obvious how cheesy I am today!
This next gag I prepared beforehand with a couple magnets and a regular paper cup.
The ol' "forget-something-you-set-on-the-car" trick.
Here's how it looked as we headed out for our date that evening:

We got two people pointing/motioning about the "drink" on the car before it suddenly broke free and tumbled onto the road and under the tires of another car.
Note to self - use stronger/bigger magnet(s)


At dinner we ordered dessert first. Why not?
I think that is going to become a tradition...
(If I would've done dinner at home, I totally would've made this silly wormy dessert using oreo cookie crumbs, chocolate pudding layers and gummy worms.)


Next stop: Improv Comedy show!
If you've never been, you gotta try it! SO FUN!

Here's a glimpse of this little laugh factory:No matter where you live, there's surely something similar not too far from you.

By the end of the show my cheeks were totally sore from smiling.
That's a good sign on ANY date.

Last but not least, I had put some of that super strong double stick padding tape on the back of 3 quarters. While we were downtown waiting for the show to start, I knelt down to "tie my shoe" and stuck one to the sidewalk. Then I stepped on it as I stood up and walked away.
Here's a pic of my quarters with the sticky back still covered:

We stuck around to see people try to pick them up. (One little kid was sooo excited to find it!) It's way funny to see them realize it's stuck!

It's all in good fun, right? This would be silly to stage in front of your
own friends if on a group date too because they kinda feel "on candid camera."
And because with some effort, you can get the sticky side up,
all three of our victims were able to get the quarter for their participation.


So we totally had FUN and since then we've had a few more inside jokes that one of us will randomly bring up from the comedy show, making the memory a lasting one. Another good part of this date idea is you can do ANY PRANKS you want! There are a gazillion gag ideas online. Maybe you're the type of person to paint "graffiti" on saran wrap and wrap it around the back of your car so from first look, your hubby panics that someone has painted on the car!

However you like to play it, if you're up for this one...


  1. My hubby will love this! How cute!

  2. Kiirst, you are SO funny! I love this and am gonna have to try some of these little jokes!

  3. Stopping by from SITS and loving this blog. What a creative idea and a wonderful resource for keeping that spark in your marriage. Looking forward to reading.

    I'm your newest follower :)

  4. LOVE it, babe! I don't know if I would've had a sense of humor after eating a mouthful of garlic salt and then getting sprayed in the face with water.... :) BUT - I love your take on life and just think....this amazing date was the result! was meant to be! {LOL}

  5. Hey, I gave your blog an award today!

  6. I am seriously giggling. I love these kind of dates because I feel like we never laugh enough. Life seems to come front and center a LOT in our marriage, so when I get the giggles, they are well earned. This was a fantastic idea! Nice work!

  7. i love how EASY and FUN this is! can not wait to try it on my man.

  8. Hi, coming over from BF I am so very happy to have found you and your ideas. Being the German finace to an American partner turns sometimes into a challenge as the intercultural differences concerning humour and fun too. Now I have you and it will become so much easier - or so I hope. Thanks for being out there! Paula

  9. I LOVE your blog! I stumbled upon it through blog frog! I am a Navy wife, married to my husband for almost 9 years, what great ideas you have for fun "date" ideas to keep the spark alive! I will continue to check back on your blog for new posts!

  10. I'm loving this! Hilarious . . . can't wait to try a few pranks of my own. You've inspired me!

  11. I love this post! Too fun! My hubby is usually the prankster and he has done the rubber band around the sprayer trick on me. ;) Thanks for sharing!

  12. This site is adorable...and I love the fun spirit of this date! Laughter is so important in marriage!! =)

    Glad I popped over from Mckmama's blog frog to "meet" the divas.


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