The power of a flower is actually intensely effective when used in the right way. What I mean is that every flower has a specific meaning and feel. Not only does each flower have a meaning but the color of that flower also has identifying characteristics and purpose.
As my wife's b~day was coming up, I decided to try out the flower thing throughout the day. I went here, here and here to find all the info about each flower. As there are many flowers described in these websites, I picked those that I could relate to and use in a creative way to show my wife how much I love her, all day long. Here are some ideas of what I did....
First thing in the morning I laid a path of pink rose petals out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where I had made her breakfast. When she had woken up and followed the fresh scented trail, I had prepared a little message that I presented to her which basically said something along the lines of, "I am the luckiest man alive to wake up every day and see your beautiful smiling face next to me. These pink rose pedals represent how beautiful you are when you wake up and how grateful you are when you sleep. I could watch you sleep in peace all night and admire how perfect your face is." I didn't want to make it too mushy with it being only the beginning of the day.
Next I gave her freshly picked sunflowers from our own garden. The sunflower represents adoration, warmth, joy and just having a good time together. My wife loves to laugh and loves our quality time together. After I gave her the flowers and told her I loved her warm, bright, fun personality I also handed her a season of "The Office." Which happens to be just one of our many favorite past time together.
Pink/Purple Carnations express Gratitude for the woman that she is. I sent her to get a massage then swept, mopped and scrubbed our kitchen and then displayed the Carnations in there. When she got home I looked her in the eyes and sincerely expressed my love and appreciation for the wonderful mother and wife she is every day.
The Lilies were probably my favorite flower that I gave her. The white lily represents purity in heart and in mind. I found the perfect poem about lilies that I printed off along with a short message of why I think she is 'Pure in Heart'.
Roses are an obvious reflection of love, beauty and passion. I gave these to her along with a simple invitation to come and enjoy a night out with me at all her favorite places.
This was the rarest flower that I found. The Orchid was a great choice to end the day in the bedroom. The Orchid is the "princess flower" and is used to make her feel special and pampered. It has a very sensual feel about it and was the perfect prelude to the happenings of the rest of the night.
for taking the time to put this post together!
As many of you may know, "In a marriage the man might be the head of the family but the wife is the neck and she can turn the head any direction she wants." ~My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Well, I have a little secret.... You might remember this post I did a while back. As I was doing my research for that review I found myself leaving their website up on the computer knowing perfectly well my husband would be the next person on the computer and it would be the first thing that he saw. Later to make sure he got the hint, about a week before my birthday as we were editing that post together I said, "Oh, that would be so cute to do for someone's birthday!" Men are simple... if you want something done... just tell them. (I just have to add he did a great job adding his own twist to the idea! I was sooo surprised and not expecting all the creativity he put into his all day Day Date! I was thinking just one little flower with one little meaning! My man always goes above and beyond!) If there is one thing my marriage has it's great communication. We might not always agree but we always talk about what's going on in each other's life, our budget, family hopes and dreams then make sure we are on the right path, what would help make life easier for the other spouse, and of course the sweet simple things like flowers in a freshly cleaned kitchen!
That is very adorable. What a good husband you have. Great post.
ReplyDeleteThat is very sweet. I have been leaving lovenotes around the house for my husband to find, telling him how proud I am and how much I love him, or if I had a good time the night before. I think he finally got the hint. Last night he came home from work with some beautiful orchids, with a note saying how much he appreciated me. It's amazing just what a few little flowers can do to someone. I have carried these orchids to every single room with me. They are so beautiful!
ReplyDelete@Jess and Chad~ Thanks for the comment!!! We LOVE to hear our readers enjoyed our post!
ReplyDelete@Adge~ Thanks for sharing your little story! I think it's the perfect example of how those little things make a huge difference in marriages! You and your husband sound so cute together :)
So cute!! Can you e-mail me the poem about lilies?! My little bro is proposing this weekend and his girlfriend loooooooves lilies. I'd love to help him out! chelsi.johnston@gm-mail.com