Friday, May 21, 2010

Guest Blogger: Simply Modern Mom

We were so excited to learn about Tiffany's Project 52 and even MORE excited when she agreed to introduce it to our readers!  She is the mastermind behind Simply Modern Mom.  Her website has a variety of helpful hints, tips, and tutorials for the mom on the go.  I am over there today introducing her readers to our blog which goes right along with her Project 52.  You are going to love this!  Here she is: 

Hello Dating Divas!

I am excited to be guest posting today. Who wouldn't love this fun blog all about creative dates?! I am Tiffany from Simply Modern Mom, a site dedicated to simplifying the lives of modern moms. And at the beginning of this year, my husband Nathan and I took upon ourselves a challenge to date each other once a week for a year totaling 52 dates. We call it our Project 52: Date Nights. And just for fun, we invited everyone to join us in this challenge to make a difference in their marriage too.

The project came about when Nathan and I realized that after a full day of work, school, taking care of the kids and house, we didn't have any time for each other. We also didn't have the budget to pay a babysitter each week for us to go out on a date. So we redefined the term "dating" for it to include at-home dates. We drafted this Project 52: Date Nights downloadable pledge for you and your spouse to come up with criteria of what you defines as a date.

Nathan and I have been coming up with some creative ideas for at-home date nights. We discussed books and created a cafe atmosphere in our dining room. We looked through each other's high school year books. We played games such as First Words (printable on Simply Modern Mom). A while ago, Nathan and I played Would You Rather… with a free printable of the game on Simply Modern Mom. It's a pretty simple game. You cut up the scenario cards. Toss them in a bowl and take turns drawing out two scenarios for the question, Would you rather this or that?

Each Tuesday I have a linky party where we all link up our dates and go around blogosphere reading each other's dates. It is a great way for all of us to exchange exciting date ideas and support each other in this year long challenge. Please come join us! You can start Project 52: Date Nights anytime.

 Happy dating!

{Simply Modern Mom}


  1. So fun! I love the 'fire' it starts when I read about awesome dates! BIG KUDOS on Project 52!

  2. We have been doing Project 52 for 6 weeks now and absolutely L.O.V.E it! It has changed our "marriage date life" drastically. I love posting back every week to see what everyone else does. So much fun. Now I look forward to visiting here and incorporating some of these dates too! What a cool site!

  3. Wow, I'm loving her Modern Moms blog! So full of ideas. Project 52 sounds like just what I'm going to start trying with my hubby. I already printed off the Would you rather Game for our date tonight. So excited to see his reaction!


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