Have you seen this game on TV?!?! If you haven't, STOP everything. Go now. Seriously. (I'll wait for you...)
I have a secret love affair with game shows. It is my dying goal in life to be on one. I'm not even kidding. (Especially Jeopardy, but I'm still working up to that one! A few years back I submitted an audition tape to the Amazing Race...obviously, I didn't make it. BOO!) Anyhow...when NBC started Minute to Win It, my husband and I got hooked. It is an awesome game where the contestant has one minute to complete random games made from household items. (Hard to explain, but just watch the videos on the website.)
After the first few episodes we decided it would be SO fun to do this as a date night. When my sis-in-law did it for a family party, I KNEW it would be hilarious for a date night.
Well, I made up the invites and sent them out to our most competitive friends.

Here is the one you can use. Copy and paste it into a Word Document, adjust it to the size you want, print, fill in the missing info, and give it to your husband and other couples.

This is more fun when you have FUN and COMPETITIVE people! I emailed the 4 other couples and asked them to come up with a team name ahead of time and to plan out their matching outfits. :)
You'll want to create a game board listing each level, the team names, and how many lives they have left. You can chose how many games/levels you want to do, but we kept it at eight. This took us about an hour and a half to do, not including dinner.
All of the games/levels are found on the website here. They give you the name, the supplies you'll need, and an explanation video - they call it a Blueprint - of how to play each game. I chose games that I thought would be fun (or funny to watch) and that could be done in couples. A few of them did end up being a single person playing, but it worked out well for us.
I taped the game board up at the park and each of the teams loved checking out the other team names. They also were curious and speculating about what each level would involve based on the name. (By the way, the names of the levels are hilarious! Whoever came up with them are very creative.)
So here are the competitors:
Bauer Power
Saturday's Warriors
One Minute Men
Bank on Us - we went all out on the team uniforms!
and for some reason I don't have a picture of team Chuck Norris. Sorry guys!
We randomly took turns on which team would start - in case there was a strategy advantage to be learned by watching. Each team had one minute to complete the task and three lives. Once each life was used up they were eliminated from the game.
Here are some shots from our Minute to Win It competition.
"The Breakfast Scramble" - Putting together a 'puzzle' of a cereal box
"This Blows" - Blowing cups off a table with the air from a balloon. Jared was sure the bigger his balloon, the better he'd do!
"Face the Cookie" - this one is HILARIOUS and should be captured with a camera! You have to move a cookie from your forehead to your mouth without touching it.
"Penny Hose" - retrieve a penny from the bottom of a panty hose leg with just your hands - not touching anything else. Way hard!
"Bite Me" - pick up 5 bags of different sizes with your teeth, without using your hands to touch the ground. The smallest one is 2 inches off the ground. This one is also good for some awesome laughs. Especially if you make the guys do it!
Thankfully my husband is as flexible as Gumby!
At the end we rewarded the Grand Prize winner and all other participants with random funny gifts from the Dollar Store - Mouthwash, a sombrero, gardening gloves, a sponge, and a giant water gun. It was almost as funny as the games themselves.
It almost fulfilled my Game Show dreams. . . almost.
I LOVE, love, LOVE it, Erika!! I so wanna do this with our new group of friends here! :) Gosh, yer date ideas ROCK! :)
ReplyDeleteHow frickin' creative! I really hope your dreams come true.....you won this one so why wouldn't win the real one on tv!
ReplyDeleteThis activity looks amazing!! Ann and I actually did the This Blows activity with the students on Friday. Looks like you had a lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds hysterical! I can't wait to try it!
ReplyDeleteOhmyheck! This is AWESOME. I'm definitely doing this! Thanks, girl!
ReplyDeleteYou girls are so fun!! Found you on Blog Frog and am now following you and your fun adventures :)
ReplyDeleteIf you get a chance, swing by my blog, too!
Thanks :)
I am doing this for Girls CAMP!!! What a riot!!
ReplyDeleteAwesome! How do you play Snack Attack, Nutstacker, and Ping Tac Toe?
ReplyDeleteWe posted some Minute to Win It game ideas at our site as well, but I love this "couples" version and totally want to try it out with my hubby and our friends!! I'm laughing just thinking about it. :) Love your blog!
ReplyDeleteBrooke @ CraftingChicks.blogspot.com
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ReplyDeleteThanks for all the love everyone. It is a WAY fun date night. You can find instructions on how to play any of the dates on the website. But a quick overview:
ReplyDeleteStack Attack: you stack cups into a pyramid and then collapse them back down.
Nutstacker: Using a chopstick and 9 nuts (the kind you use on bolts) you place each one on top of the other on a flat surface. (Sorry, sort of confusing to explain.)
Ping Tac Toe: 9 cups filled with water and you have to bounce ping pong balls into the cups with three in a row.
Sorry I can't explain them any better here jbc, but the website gives little videos to explain them even better! Good luck and hope you enjoy it.
Love it!!!! Sooooo doing this one.
ReplyDeleteHi. I'm trying to plan a party for my 7 year old and I am curious how you made the invitation? How your got the "Minute to Win it" and background?
Thanks for watching the show and for the support. Make sure to tune into the ALL NEW Holiday “Minute To Win It” Event! on Tuesday, December 7 at 8/7c on NBC! Also make sure to check us out on Facebook and remember, “Keep your holiday season merry and watch “Minute To Win It” with Guy Fieri!” http://www.nbc.com/minute-to-win-it/video/a_merry_minute_to_win_it/1262480
ReplyDeleteWe did this with family at Christmas Eve and will do it again New Years for our party. We had each person bring a $10 gift certificate and we had 1st place, 2nd place and 3rd place. I really need to find some more games for couples for the News Years party. Any idea's?