Saturday, May 22, 2010

Anniversary Idea "Four" You

My husband and I just celebrated our Fourth Wedding Anniversary a few days ago. It was a fabulous day, albeit low-key as he is taking finals! When he got home from school, I had this on the table:

A Chinese takeout box (but the cute kind you can buy from the craft store.) I attached the note to it that said, "So 'Four'tunate to have been married to you FOUR years!

Inside were FOUR felt fortune cookies. I made them from the tutorial here, except I made mine bigger. (You could do real fortune cookies if you wanted, but I liked the idea of felt and letting my son play with them afterwards.)

Then I typed up four different messages and placed one inside each fortune cookie.

Hope this helps give some ideas if you are happening upon your FOURTH anniversary...or 14th, 24th, 34th, 40th, etc.


  1. CUTE! Wish I'd had that on my 4th. Any ideas for 18??

  2. my husband is deployed and I may have to copy this idea only make it a long string of coupons things when he gets home

  3. I used this idea for my 4th anniversary and my husband loved it!! I linked back to you on my blog!!


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