Monday, November 1, 2010

The "Spouse Sleepover" Date

Remember your very first sleepover? I sure do! I wore Hello Kitty pajamas and had a
bright pink sleeping bag. Sleepovers use to be the ultimate reward for me. It made me start to think… "Why not have a sleepover with my spouse?" Oh, I couldn’t wait to get this date started! I knew this date would work because it did not require a babysitter and would be inexpensive!

So first things first… I wanted my husband to get super excited about the fun night we had in store!

I created a “Spouse Sleepover” Invitation. I wanted this invitation to razzle dazzle and really grab his attention. So I headed to the Dollar Tree and found a Barbie. Why a Barbie you ask?
Well…check it out and see….

I cut out a picture of my face and stuck it over Barbie's. I then put my Barbie in my "homemade-in-less-than-two-minutes-sleeping-bag". I then placed all the items on my husband’s pillow. I knew he wouldn’t miss seeing Barbie…whoops, I mean Corie. I was right! He not only saw Barbie/Corie, but I could hear him laughing all the way from the kitchen!

This invite is just a fun, cheap way to be a little creative!

A quick tutorial on the handmade sleeping bag....
1. Get a scrap piece of fabric around 25-30 inches.
2. Take your piece of fabric and fold in half.

3. Then take fabric glue and glue each side of the fabric together.

4. If there is any excess fabric, fold it over and glue the remaining flaps down.

I am not a girl that likes to “rough it”, so I pulled our queen sized mattress off of our bed and placed it on the floor in our family room. Aaah, comfort and fun…even better!

A sleepover is not a success without TREATS, GAMES, MOVIES, and DRINKS.

My husband and I love to play games. Right now in stores, they are carrying a special box of Cheez-It Crackers. Each cracker in the box has a letter on it. My husband and I played a quick round of Scrabble using our crackers! We haven’t played a simple game like this in, well….FOREVER!
The simplicity of this game was awesome!

After the Dollar Tree, I headed to the closest Redbox. I rented the movie Ironman 2. My husband has been talking nonstop about wanting to see this movie…so I knew the date would be even sweeter with this rental choice!

 Scary Stories
I LOVE scary stories. Do you remember the incredible books by Alvin Schwartz? These books are classic for sleepovers and the perfect way to end the night.  So, I grabbed my husband, snuggled close and settled in for spooky stories!

This date was SIMPLE, but just perfect for the two of us. It almost felt like a little getaway from the world, even though we were in the comfort of our home. :)

The best part was waking up the next morning to my husband making breakfast!

The spouse sleepover date was simple, but SO MUCH fun!  It was so easy...
I bet you can do this date TONIGHT!  :)


  1. This is SO cute! I'm planning this fun easy date soon!!!

  2. What a fun, easy, yet creative idea! Thanks!

  3. I will be trying this out come next weekend!

  4. What a cute simple idea without having to get a sitter. We do sleepover in the living room with our kids every Friday that we are home (which really isn't all that often actually), but just me and my spouse, how fun!! Thanks Corie!!

  5. I love this, it's so easy to put the baby down to have alone time...and I love the scrabble idea :)

  6. So fun! My hubby and I do this all the time!! We love it!!

  7. This is so much fun! If your really creative and need an activity to do, build a fort over the sleeping bags.:) ~Nike

  8. Hi, I am getting married on the 23rd of this month. I am so glad my friend recommended this website because it is so informative and fun! Thank you so much for creating this site! God bless you all!

  9. Such a fun idea! My husband and I had a sleepover just last night, not as fun as this one though! :D

  10. I am going to have to plan this date sometime soon.

  11. great idea--and totally doable for us since we won't haev to get a babysitter for the baby!

  12. Too much fun! With a pull-out sofa, I won't even have to pull the mattress off the bed! ;-)

  13. Fantastic idea! I know my hubby would love it if I would dig out some of his old scary story books for a night like this. Thanks for the notion!

  14. So fun! My hubby and I do this often, only we use our air mattress. Sometimes we even make a fort out of blankets like when we were kids! I'm going to have to add the scary stories in next time! Thanks for sharing :)

  15. Fun idea! We like to stay up after the kids are in bed, but this spices the date up :) Did you get an overnight babysitter? or did your kids join you for breakfast?

  16. I think this is my favorite post of them all! My husband would love it just for the cheese its...hahaha :)

  17. CUTE IDEA!! I love it! Now I want to suggest a fun game to you and all of your fun friends! It is called "the game of things" I don't know if you have ever played it but it is my favorite game to play with a bunch of couples for a game night! Just a suggestion in case you run out of ideas . . . but who am I kidding you are the DATING DIVAS!! :)

  18. I love this idea and the scrabble game is so cute!

  19. So cute! Thanks so much for sharing! I featured ya'll on my blog today, hope you don't mind!

  20. Ah such a cute idea!! I'm totally doing this!

  21. Thanks for posting this fantastic idea! We tried it a few weeks ago and it was SO MUCH FUN! I just blogged about it and figured I'd be ungrateful if I didn't tell you personally how wonderful you website has been for us. Thank you!


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