Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Twilight Date

"SOME say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if I had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To know that for destruction Ice
Is also great
And would suffice."

When it comes to Twilight for my man and I, it’s not about “Edward, Bella, Vampire or Werewolf". It’s about the EXCITEMENT, Passion, True LOVE, thrill, and DEVOTION, being in the HEAT of it all. Stephenie Meyer did an amazing job as the author making YOU FEEL the emotions the characters are feeling, which is why my husband and I both fell in LOVE with the books. We read all the books together after our daughter went down to bed at night. Our focus for this date was to make YOU FEEL what the characters were feeling. To give YOUR MARRIAGE a little boost of excitement, passion, and thrill!

To start your date go HERE to print off your own Twilght quotes (like the one above) for free! I would of made some myself but I think they did such an awesome job I couln't compete! Lay them around your house in the morning to give your spouse a little taste of what's coming!

We started the date up in the mountains camping. I wanted it to be as similar to the book's surroundings as possible. Don't have mountains? Go to the beach! No beach? Just go camping anywhere! NOT a camper? Then do ALL these things in the comfort of your own home!
A picture of my man howling at the moon with a apple on his lips..... don't ask me why. Just know it was ALL for YOU!

For the first part of the Twilight Date all you need is an apple - one per couple. ...and an ice block - one per person.

Here is how the game works!!! (my husband's idea by the way)
Step 1- Put your and your spouse's ice blocks arms distance from each other.
Step 2- Stand bare foot on the ice blocks
Step 3- Bite into your "couples" apple at the same time.

Don't fall off and you can only hold onto each others arms

Stay on the longest!
If you have a big group when you get to 2 or 3 couples, move to ONE foot!

Okay, this might look and sound a little silly BUT even my mother-in-law (who is in her 50's) after seeing how much FUN we were having together (as a couple) wanted to try. She was so sad her hubby had already gone to bed. So what did she do? She stood on an ice block by herself and then took the apple to her husband!
This is a GREAT date idea for singles too!!! My husband came up with this idea FOR his college single's ward and you were partnered up with someone you had never met before! Anyway, it's a great way to break the ice with a new friend.
It's a lot of FUN and I am always looking for reasons to wrap my arms around my man!
We then spent the remainder of the night just talking by the camp fire.
We had planned to watch Twilight AND New Moon on the lap top, outside, up in the mountains, by a cozy fire but ran out of time. Hope you have enough time for that part when you plan your date.
This is how we spent our over-night'er! Totally reminds me of Edward, Bella and Jacob all in one tent for one night. There is not much I LOVE more than camping with my family!

We spent the morning on the 4-wheeler.... not quite a motorcycle BUT close enough!
Here are some pictures I took on our ride through the mountains.
Simply Beautiful.

Yep, we totally met a deer! It was awesome running into one like that and I just so happened to be video recording! Not sure WHY I stopped video recording after I saw it. But the dear was kind enough to hang around and pose so I could take some still photo's.
After our ride we sped home for the next part of our date!

My favorite parts of Eclipse AND Breaking Dawn are the TRAINING scenes! I LOVED reading about it! It would get my blood pumping. I would catch myself nodding my head, like YEAH! THIS is SO COOL! Then after, walk around my house thinking,”What if I could do that! What if I could totally KICK someone’s booty if I had to!” Moving so fast, with flips, kicks, and wicked punches! (Sorry, but it’s possible that secretly this quiet little house wife would LOVE to be able to beat up someone………. if the situation EVER came up!) Quoting my sister Jessica, “Maybe I crave destruction. Maybe I like breaking stuff.”

This led me to…. Martial Arts! I am about to sound REALLY CHEESY but who else would LOVE to learn to do cool things like Edward and Jacob!?! (I know, I know! I heard it! Things like that should NEVER be said out loud!) But it’s true…… so I looked up where we could take a class! And we did... And we liked it!

How to find a Martial Arts class near you:
1- Google Martial Arts or Taekwondo
(You will need to type in the city & state you live in.)
2- Click on the one closest to you! And start doing your research!
3- Things to LOOK for:
Do they let you take the first class for free?
If NOT, how much is it?
Do they have a family plan?
What is the schedule and would it work with you?

I called 3 before I decide on one for me and my family! (A lot of them have family classes that you can bring your KIDS to if they are 4 years old. This means FUN for the whole FAMILY!)
The thing I love most about this is it’s for ALL ages! It does not matter if your 4, 24, or 50, or 75! There are classes for everyone. Where you are health-wise right now does not matter! Doing things like this will help you to get in shape and increase your flexibility and strength. One of our trainer’s first black belt was at 50 years old! They teach you not to focus on being the best, nor the strongest. They teach you to try. They teach you to relax and breathe. Then when you do these things you become even better than you could have wished for.

I am surprise at how much I LOVED doing this part of the date! My husband or myself have NEVER done anything like this before! And I don't think I ever would have if, it wasn't for an idea that one of the other diva's had! I had a lot of fun but more importantly, so did my man. Lets just say my man is a natural and truly enjoyed himself . He can't wait to go back!!! I think we found a NEW HOBBY we wouldn't have found if we didn't step out of our box!

The place we went to gave us clothes to wear (meaning you get them new and are privileged enough to take them home!) BUT you have to earn the belt! At the end of the class they belted us. It's white and I don't even think that's a level but they give you one JUST for trying something NEW! Because that in itself IS an accomplishment!

After we went home, showered and got ready, we ended our date with a trip to the theater to watch Eclipse and enjoy dinner out!
Click here to learn how to make YOUR MAN his own "Twilight Survival Kit"! Are you SOOOO not into Twilight??? Click on A "Surprise Break" to give your husband a break from all of the busy & stressful things in life or you could plan a fun at-home date if you liked the TV show Lost with, " I'd Get LOST with You Any Day".
It was the perfect cherry on top of a much needed date! We had the time of our lives doing this date and I hope YOU can’t wait to do it this weekend! Happy Planning!

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