Tuesday, December 14, 2010

"Merry Christmas DEER" Winner Announced....

WOW!! Can I just start by saying this was one of the HARDEST things the divas have had to do so far!! We received SOOOOO many heart-warming entries and we just couldn't decide!! We wanted to give you ALL a free gift! Ahhh....in a perfect world....we WOULD! :)

Thank you SO much for opening your hearts, letting us in, and sharing your stories!  We read touching entires, sad entries, and HILARIOUS entries.  A few of you had us rollin' on the ground laughing!!  Some of you had us shedding tears!  Our hearts went out to you!  We also realized how much we have in common with a LOT of you!  Some of you have the same struggles that we do and we realized that there are certain subjects that we could definitely do some posts on in the future!  Just hearing a little about the lives of our readers makes us LOVE you all the more!

If you did NOT win....you can still plan a romantic Christmas for your husband and you!  Promise!  Check out our Intimate Moments posts, use ANY of our past date ideas, and just surprise your sweetheart!  I PROMISE that anything above and beyond the "norm" will be unexpected and he will LOVE it! 


The WINNER of the "Merry Christmas DEER" kit is.........
{drumroll, please....}

Autumn Beahm
Congrats!  We have already send your information to RomanticMarriages.com!

.....and HERE is her story...

This year, my hubby was laid off for the second time in our marriage, involved in a motorcycle accident just weeks after starting a new job that took months to find (so no health ins. yet), had two rounds of kidney stone visits to the ER over the summer, wrecked his truck the day the kids went back to school and just found out they are restructuring his 100% commission pay. He works 60 hours a week going in early so he still gets home for family dinner and started donating plasma for extra money. I run our 6 kids everywhere, teach piano, work nights, and pick up nursing shifts between everything else to help make ends meet. It has been a stressful year. We limited our gifts to each to $10 a piece but I wish I could do more. He brings laughter into our home and is an incredible dad. He is thoughtful, helpful, strong and resourceful. Life is crazy but so amazing. I hope I will win this great gift to add a little sparkle to our Christmas this year. I can just imagine the twinkle in his eyes and the smile on his face.

Congrats, Autumn!  We hope this gift makes your Christmas a little more special! 

So....FAB readers....try reading TONS of emails like that. Betcha there wouldn't be a dry eye in the house!  We just LOVE all of you.....and we will keep on providing those date ideas to keep your marriages alive and well....but you gotsta actually DO the ideas!  :)  {HINT: That's the only way our ideas actually help.  Tee, hee.}

If you would like to still get something like this for your husband, you have three options.  The kit we just gave away {$65 value} can be purchased HERE.  There is also a downloadable version {$18 value} can be purchsed HERE.  OR....you can get a "Naughty or Nice" kit {$8 value} purchased HERE.

Here's to a SUPER romantic Christmas for ALL of us!  {WINK!}


  1. Ok, she definitely deserved it! Thanks for the all the amazing ideas. Hmmm, that downloadable version might be just the thing . . . .

  2. Can I just agree with Tara and say how amazing all these stories were?! There was everything from being stuck in the hospital for months to long distance work and extra efforts for family with special needs (something totally dear to my heart already...) I can tell your marriages are amazing despite all the challenges that come because you have the desire to make him happy! We LOVE our readers!

  3. Great choice! Congratulations to Autumn.

  4. Wow Autumn totally deserves this. Hang in there girl!


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